Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Big companies promote reusable bags

It is good to see some of the big dogs jumping on the green bandwagon. Some stores, like Whole Foods, even offer a small credit to your bill for using reusable bags.


Jess Holt said...

I am all about the reusable bag idea. I go to Stop and Shop and Trader Joes alot and both offer reusable bags. They are so inexpensive to buy - Stop and Shop is $1 per bag, and they are very durable. I use mine for everything, not just groceries! I like the idea about making them stylish! Rock on!

Anonymous said...

My reusable grocery bags came in the mail yesterday! It's the end of plastic bags for me!!

GSPIN said...

nice! stick a few bags in your car for those last minute stops at the grocery store.